Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2012 - The Year In Review

Y'know, writing 2 posts in one day seems so foreign when you write like 3 posts a year. But to those few who still check this crap whenever, cool.

So we're almost to the end of another year - where does the time go? 2012 was definitely a slow year in terms of new music for me (I'm still bitter about HMV closing), but I still picked new stuff up here and there - even if it's not from 2012. So here's a summary of everything musical that happened with me in these past 11 months and 19 days:

Albums I bought/heard in 2012:
Imaginaerum - Nightwish
Th1rt3en - Megadeth
F-Zero AX/GX Official Soundtrack - Nintendo [composed by Daiki Kasho]
Opus At the End of Everything - The Flashbulb
The Power Within - DragonForce
Helvetios - Eluveitie
Shogun - Trivium
Short Songs - Silverstein
Code of Princess Original Soundtrack - Atlus [composed by ACE]
The Afterman: Ascension - Coheed and Cambria
Epsilon - Blood Stain Child
I'm Coming Home - Tommy Alto

My thoughts:
Imaginaerum: Wow.. Just, wow. This album is spectacular in the sense that it's just.. epic. And I rarely use that word. The orchestral pieces, the shifting genres, the excellence of songs, this is a truly solid album.
A- 8.5/10

Th1rt3en: And the opposite end of the spectrum; there's a couple decent songs, and at least one good one, but this just isn't that great. Sudden Death is pretty rockin' though.
D- 3/10

F-Zero GX/AX OST: I love this game, and obviously the soundtrack, but that doesn't make it perfect. But with 82 songs to pick from, there's bound to be something you like (although I hate how 10-15 of them are like 20 seconds or less.). And those tracks that keep me around are great, and I discover new gems everytime.
B+ 8/10

Opus At the End of Everything: Decent Flashbulb album. Not my favourite, but there's still some great songs. I have yet to hear his other new album yet, but I'm satisfied with what I have.
C+ 6.5/10

The Power Within: I've never heard a better DragonForce album. They try some new things here, which is nice, but it is hit and miss with it. The hits, though, they hit a home run! This is a fun album. That's the best way to put it.
B+ 8/10

Helvetios: I'm a fan of concept albums, but I'm moreso a fan of concept albums where you can listen to the songs out of order, and still enjoy it. That's basically this album. I'm not a fan of everything, but most of it is still good.
B 7.5/10

Shogun: Yay for albums released in 2008 making it to a 2012 list. This is another one of those albums I've heard before, but wanted to pick up for myself (Only Inhuman is another one of those). There's some tracks that really stand out and they make the album for me. The rest is meh; filler.
B- 7/10

Short Songs: When I said The Power Within was fun, it's still got nothing on this. Half a collection of hardcore punk/post-hardcore short songs (there's a reason for the title) and half a collection of punk rock covers, this album clocks in at UNDER 20 minutes despite having 22 songs. Even so, it's one of my favourites from this year.
A 9.5/10

Code of Princess: Thank God you were free in the sense that you came packaged with an alright game. It's okay, but there's really only one song I like and a couple others I'll let play through.D
D- 3/10

The Afterman: Ascension: Great; have 2 of my favourite band release EXCELLENT albums in the same year, and have them BOTH have new albums coming out next February? Just take my money, why don't you. Also, this is one of my all time favourite albums and probably my top Coheed album. Long live The Amory Wars!
A 9.5/10

Epsilon: Japanese melodic death metal with techno/trance mixed in? ALRIGHT WHY NOT? Seriously though,  this album was pretty awesome. A few so-so tracks, but those that stood out all stood out in a way that can only be described as amazing. Definitely a welcome find.
A- 8.5/10

I'm Coming Home: Okay, yeah, Indie Pop is NOT my genre, but the guy making the music is a cool dude (you meet some interesting folks in Journalism classes) and I actually had fun listening to the album. One or two songs I didn't like, but the rest I enjoyed and had fun with.
B 7.5/10

In other news, I went to my second concert ever on February 20th: The Gigantour.
Who played: Megadeth (headliner), Mötorhead, Volbeat, Lacuna Coil.

Gotta love it when your line-up consists of 4 bands from 4 countries (US, UK, Denmark, Italy respectively). The show took place at the Abbotsford Entertainment & Sports Centre, and I had floor seats so I got right up and close to all the goodness.
Lacuna Coil is not one of my favourites, but their set was really good. I recognized about a third of their setlist (Our Truth, Spellbound to name a couple) and they definitely hit it. Cristina Scabbia was excellent and definitely caught most of the attention on the stage (man alive, she is definitely one of the best looking women in metal).
Volbeat came up afterwards and BLEW EVERYBODY AWAY. I had 5 friends there, and only 2 knew of Volbeat; by the end of the night, they were on everyone's minds. The Facebook statuses pretty much unanimously read: "Megadeth was great, but Volbeat was AWESOME!" Starting off with A Warrior's Call, they ran right into Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood. And you can see that right here:
I can't recall the rest of their set (I got the rest of their stuff afterwards), but it was simply phenominal.
PS. Apologies for the video.
Not going to lie, I went to go get a Volbeat shirt during Mötorhead because I'm not a big fan of theirs. They did play Ace of Spades (which was awesome), and Overkill, but their set had some pretty bad mic feedback issues. They did score bonus points for the drum solo though.
Megadeth finished it off with an hour-and-fifteen set that covered a fair amount of their discog: Trust, Whose Life (Is It Anyway?), Symphony of Destruction, etc., and finished it off with Holy Wars. I said to my buddy I'd mosh during Sweating Bullets (my favourite), but they sadly didn't play it. It was still one heck of a show though!

In terms of music gaming, FFR and StepMania took a backseat this year, but I did get my first file in the game. Theatrhythm was in my 3DS for a good chunk of time and I've unlocked everything save for a couple characters. Once I get my 3DS fixed, I'll definitely be inserting it again.

I reviewed Coheed and Cambria's "The Afterman: Ascension" for my OLD university's student paper (I have a couple connections)! So I got kicked out of X school, am going to Y for a journalism degree, and yet got published in X's newspaper. I know, confusing.

Anyway, that's my year in review.
2013 already looks promising with "This Is How the Wind Shifts" from Silverstein, and "The Afterman: Descension" from Coheed and Cambria set to hit in early February, and hopefully a bunch more fun stuff will arrive soon after!
Take care, folks, stay safe this holiday season, and through New Years, an may you all have a happy 2013 being able to say "I SURVIVED 2012!"
And when things are good, bad, happy, or sad, just do one thing: Keep your headphones on.

 - Trevor // Force

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bored; So let's post!

Yeah, it's been awhile. I check this place daily, but only to check to see if other blogs I follow update. Musically, I don't know. The reviewing thing isn't as fun when it's not a new album, and the lack of any music store within a half hour takes it's toll on the music collection. Man do I ever miss HMV..

However, this is a music blog; more importantly, MINE. So dagnabbit, this is my thoughts about things.

- I lasted for like 7 months without hearing "Call Me Maybe". I then proceeded to hear it 3 times in like 5 days.. I was doing so well too... My poor ears.
I will say though, it is better than most of the crap played nowadays.

- My iTunes finally had it's second song break 100 plays (when you've got 2124 songs, you don't really focus a lot on one). "Pandemonium" by Fear of Domination takes this title.
Fear of Domination is an industrial melodic death metal from Finland. Think In Flames meets Rammstein. Funnily enough I found it in a "Top 10 Melodic Death Metal Songs of 2011" video on YouTube linked by The Unguided on Facebook (they were featured in it as well). I highly recommend checking this song out.

- I bought my first video game OST a few months back. I had 3 others, but they all came with the game, or were free thanks to giveaways (props Nintendo!). $60 spent to score 82 tracks? Uhh, yeah!
F-Zero GX/AX Official Soundtrack is now in my possession and man do I love it! Probably helps that I love the game, but details.

- I very rarely pay attention to song lyrics, but "You Always Believed" by In This Moment is really striking home lately and makes me think about a close friend I haven't heard from in a while. In my opinion, at least 75% of the lyrics can be said about us so I hope she replies soon so I can show it to her.

- After all this time, Heroes On Your Lawn At Night is still my top played song, and obviously the only other one to top 100 plays; 117 to be exact.
In fact, I recently got a stepfile of this song into FFR earning me the title of "FFR R1 Simfile Author" and a fancy yellow/orange/gold name. Only took me 5 and a half years.

- Holy smokes, the new DragonForce album is the best thing they have ever released and "Cry Thunder" is their best song and if you disagree with me, I will pull out my sword and with my titans of justice, I will slay you where you stand with the blessing of the union and freedom of man!

- Am I the only one who thinks System of a Down should release a new album? Yeah Serj released his third, and that's cool - his solo stuff is a cool little shift from System - but I would LOVE a new album of seriousness, hilarity, and rocking out. Please guys?

- Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is probably the most fun and addicting game I've played in a LONG time. Music gaming meets Final Fantasy; how can you go wrong?
Also, to prove it, it's been like 2 weeks since the game's been released (maybe 3), and I've played nearly 40 hours on it. 3DS owners, you owe it to yourself to try this out.

And yeah. That's all. I might post a few more of these now and again, but don't hold your breath.
Remember folks, keep your headphones on.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Catching up and what I listened to in/from 2011

Yeah. I've been slacking off completely. I don't know, motivation escapes me. But, alas, here's what going on in my life as of late.
- I got accepted into the Bachelor of Journalism program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University for Fall 2012.
- My music collection grew even more.
- I've been building a few player collections of my favourite hockey players. Mainly cards, but I have some cool bonus memorabilia too.
- I bought a car.
- I'm planning a trip to Ontario; I'll be going there in August if all goes according to plan.
- I still work a lot.
- DC Universe Online causes me to have little time to play any other games (namely Tales of the Abyss).

and other things.

Anyway, seeing as this is where I review(ed) music (although this may just become everything), might as well make this music related.
2011 was a good year for music (and my collection) and 2 major trips out into Vancouver brought in a major load of music. I posted about the first trip, but the second occurred the day before my 20th birthday and I added 5 more albums to my collection (which, at the time, I think was just under 80. Currently, I have 86).

But just because they were purchased in 2011, or even 2012, doesn't mean they were released then. These albums listed here were. And a short blurb to accompany them. As for 2012, I'll do another post for them later that'll stay updated.
Anything with a $ before the title means I got it elsewhere (friends/iTunes), and thus don't own a physical copy, but still listen to the album.

Back Through Time - Alestorm (Folk Metal; Scotland)
Pirates! Pretty good album, and definitely enjoyable, but not as memorable as previous releases. Although bonus points for the cover of "You Are a Pirate".

The Human Romance - Darkest Hour (Metalcore; USA)
Not bad, but, like Alestorm, lack of anything memorable means this one doesn't rate too high on my list.

Wasting Light - Foo Fighters (Alternative Rock; USA)
Well now. This is actually a good album the more I listen to it. Definitely a good variety from big headbangers, to more softer (but, nonetheless good) tracks.

Astral Rejection - I Set My Friends On Fire (Experimental Metal; USA)
Maybe the humour is gone for me, but ISMFOF seems to have just lost it this album.. although the track names are more clever than their first album.

Sounds of a Playground Fading - In Flames (Melodic Death Metal; Sweden)
Definitely something new from In Flames. It works at times, it doesn't at others, but without trying something new, how else can a band evolve. It's still a good effort and there are a few good songs.

$ Ukon Wacka - Korpiklaani (Folk Metal; Finland)
I understand only 1% of what's being said (what? Do I look like I speak Finnish?), but who says you need to understand to enjoy music? Fun album, and one I enjoyed very much.

Th1rt3en - Megadeth (Thrash Metal; USA)
Hit and miss. VERY hit and miss. Good variety though, and it definitely has a few winners on here.

Imaginaerum - Nightwish (Symphonic Metal; Finland)
Oh. My. Sweet. Lord. Easily one of the top albums of the year. Solid concept album, absolutely gorgeous instrumental-wise. Seriously. Go listen to this album! (and see the movie when it comes out)

Illuminator - No Bragging Rights (Melodic Hardcore; USA)
I pre-ordered this one; well worth it. Best album from them yet, and a great album for those looking for something new.

Scurrilous - Protest the Hero (Progressive Metal; Canada)
Reppin' the homeland! Another amazing album from these guys. Vocally trying something new (namely, less screaming), musically, even better. And that's saying something. Definitely check this one out.

Endgame - Rise Against (Punk Rock; USA)
Rise Against continually pushes the bar with each new album, and Endgame is one of their best yet. Recommending this one.

The Unseen Empire - Scar Symmetry (Melodic Death Metal; Sweden)
My only beef is that it's too short. It took a few listens to fully enjoy it, but this is a solid album from start to finish.

Rescue - Silverstein (Post-Hardcore; Canada)
Taking a seemingly punk rock route with this latest album, Silverstein shows tons of growth while still keeping what they had at the start. Great album, and one I replay a ton.

In Waves - Trivium (Thrash Metal; USA)
The beginning? Awesome. After that, I really can;t find a lot for it. It's one I'd need to replay more to get into. So-so album.

$ Hell Frost - The Unguided (Melodic Death Metal; Sweden)
Take basically the original Sonic Syndicate, add a dash of kick-assery, and boom. Enjoy. Best served ice cold and loud. Seriously, though, one of the absolute best albums of 2011.