Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bored; So let's post!

Yeah, it's been awhile. I check this place daily, but only to check to see if other blogs I follow update. Musically, I don't know. The reviewing thing isn't as fun when it's not a new album, and the lack of any music store within a half hour takes it's toll on the music collection. Man do I ever miss HMV..

However, this is a music blog; more importantly, MINE. So dagnabbit, this is my thoughts about things.

- I lasted for like 7 months without hearing "Call Me Maybe". I then proceeded to hear it 3 times in like 5 days.. I was doing so well too... My poor ears.
I will say though, it is better than most of the crap played nowadays.

- My iTunes finally had it's second song break 100 plays (when you've got 2124 songs, you don't really focus a lot on one). "Pandemonium" by Fear of Domination takes this title.
Fear of Domination is an industrial melodic death metal from Finland. Think In Flames meets Rammstein. Funnily enough I found it in a "Top 10 Melodic Death Metal Songs of 2011" video on YouTube linked by The Unguided on Facebook (they were featured in it as well). I highly recommend checking this song out.

- I bought my first video game OST a few months back. I had 3 others, but they all came with the game, or were free thanks to giveaways (props Nintendo!). $60 spent to score 82 tracks? Uhh, yeah!
F-Zero GX/AX Official Soundtrack is now in my possession and man do I love it! Probably helps that I love the game, but details.

- I very rarely pay attention to song lyrics, but "You Always Believed" by In This Moment is really striking home lately and makes me think about a close friend I haven't heard from in a while. In my opinion, at least 75% of the lyrics can be said about us so I hope she replies soon so I can show it to her.

- After all this time, Heroes On Your Lawn At Night is still my top played song, and obviously the only other one to top 100 plays; 117 to be exact.
In fact, I recently got a stepfile of this song into FFR earning me the title of "FFR R1 Simfile Author" and a fancy yellow/orange/gold name. Only took me 5 and a half years.

- Holy smokes, the new DragonForce album is the best thing they have ever released and "Cry Thunder" is their best song and if you disagree with me, I will pull out my sword and with my titans of justice, I will slay you where you stand with the blessing of the union and freedom of man!

- Am I the only one who thinks System of a Down should release a new album? Yeah Serj released his third, and that's cool - his solo stuff is a cool little shift from System - but I would LOVE a new album of seriousness, hilarity, and rocking out. Please guys?

- Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is probably the most fun and addicting game I've played in a LONG time. Music gaming meets Final Fantasy; how can you go wrong?
Also, to prove it, it's been like 2 weeks since the game's been released (maybe 3), and I've played nearly 40 hours on it. 3DS owners, you owe it to yourself to try this out.

And yeah. That's all. I might post a few more of these now and again, but don't hold your breath.
Remember folks, keep your headphones on.


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