Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Weekly Stuff v5.

Ooops... It's been a while. Not my fault though. My laptop decided to not be able to find windows32.exe, so I've been without my laptop for a good week. I reformatted it recently though, and now I'm questing to get back all of the music I lost. Easier said than done...

So this list will be for the last two weeks, and I might as well make it a top 10. Enjoy.

Top 10 of the weeks of (08/23-08/29 - 08/30-09/05):
10.) Suggestions - System of a Down (System of a Down)
9.) A Favor House Atlantic - Coheed and Cambria (In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3)
8.) Blind Faith - No Bragging Rights (Illuminator)
7.) Waves of Stone - Level 99; Moonscape; OA (Ecco the Dolphin ReMix from OCReMix)
6.) Northern Fall - Korpiklaani (Korven Kuningas)
5.) Sapari - Orphaned Land (The Never Ending Way of ORwarriOR)
4.) I-E-A-I-A-I-O - System of a Down (Steal This Album!)
3.) Medication - Silverstein (Rescue)
2.) Collapse - War of Ages (Eternal)
1.) All I Want - A Day to Remember (What Separates Me From You)

My friend linked me to this a couple days ago and it's been stuck with me ever since. It's like emo-ish lyrics mixed with a pop-punk sound and it just mixes so well. A fun thing with the video is all the cameos that you see. I recognized 6: Silverstein, The Devil Wears Prada, Pete Wentz (yes, I kicked myself), 2 members from Millencolin, Matt Heafy of Trivium, and Tim Lambesis of As I Lay Dying. Enjoy the song and have fun trying to find someone you know.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Weekly Stuff v4.

Alright, before I post my stuff, I'm thinking about taking a nice break from the internet. Getting off of MSN, AIM, Skype, etc. I'll post my weekly updates and such, as well as browse around, but I need to go experience life outside of a computer screen. Maybe get some time to actually socialize with my friends, and travel around. Not to mention, I have my phone so texting is always an option.
Either way, I need to get away.

But that's not exactly music related so, without further ado, TOP 5!
We're having a returner, or two, as well as some older bands making an appearance here and there. As well, we finally have a song that has left us! (For now). Here you go.

Top 5 of this week (08/16-08/22):
5.) Sapari - Orphaned Land (The Never Ending Way of ORwarriOR)
4.) Samus's Lonesome Waltz - Blackguitar (Metroid Prime ReMix from OC ReMix)
3.) Toxicity - System of a Down (Toxicity)
2.) Wake Up- Three Days Grace (Three Days Grace)
1.) Where the Sun Never Sleeps - Stick To Your Guns (The Hope Division)

This is the second song from this album to be posted in these charts, and harsh props to my buddy Nigel for sending me these guys' stuff. Excellent hardcore that has some wicked growls and the occasional bout of clean stuff. This one carries the best of both worlds with a killer intro riff and a solid breakdown for the last chorus. Also, doesn't help that this is the band's love letter to their stomping ground. Cheers.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Weekly Stuff v3.

Wow. 3 straight weeks. I feel accomplished. Take that laziness! I can keep a deadline!
Anyway, this is an interesting week, but without further ado, here's my weekly top 5!

Top 5 of this week: (08/09-08/15):
5.) Clouds Over California - DevilDriver (The Last Kind Words)
4.) Slania's Song - Eluveitie (Slania)
3.) Green Valley - Atlus (Snowboard Kids OST)
2.) Wake Up - Three Days Grace (Three Days Grace)
1.) Samus's Lonesome Waltz - Blackguitar (Metroid Prime ReMix from OC ReMix)

A slow acoustic guitar sets the theme of the dark, yet captivating instrumental. Come 0:54, the electric guitar kicks in and the shreddage begins just under 30 seconds later. This song is a treat for any fan of guitar instrumentals or Metroid fans. Those of us who are both are blessed.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weekly Stuff v2.

Well, I guess this is round 3 of my weekly countdowns. Revisited some cool songs I found a month or so ago, and found a hidden gem on an Alestorm album. These are just a couple of the songs that you should go check out this week.
Funnily enough, for a North American --Canadian, to be specific-- there's a distinct LACK of anything from this continent. Europe pretty much dominates my chart. Another thing, one song refuses to die.. (for good reason). Enjoy.

Top 5 of this week (08/02-08/08):
5.) Northern Fall - Korpiklaani (Korven Kuningas)
4.) Quoth the Raven - Eluveitie (Everything Remains (As It Never Was))
3.) Sapari - Orphaned Land (The Never Ending Way of ORwarriOR)
2.) Slania's Song - Eluveitie (Slania)
1.) No Quarter - Alestorm (Black Sails At Midnight)

Enjoy this excellent, pirate-y instrumental, and clink a few pints of ale. Oh, and enjoy the nice cameo that hits at 2:12.